Collaboration Tools Compliance: Why This Is Must Both for You and Your Employees
Collaboration Tools Compliance: Why This Is Must Both for You and Your Employees Striking a balance between regulating sensitive data and providing your employees enough room to work It does not matter how you feel about it; compliance is critical for your organization, and it is almost always required. At the same time, there should be a balance between adhering to compliance laws and depriving your employees of their rights. Taking too much away would prohibit them from executing their task in the first place, resulting in unneeded friction . Compliance officers must keep that in mind and act and conduct investigations to ensure your online collaboration platforms strikes a balance between allowing employees to utilize it safely and securely while complying with all rules. Doing so is essential because misuse or loss of sensitive data, whether intellectual property or personally identifiable information (PII) about your customers or employees, may result in legal issues, reputa...