Prevent Your Enterprise SharePoint from Disasters
Prevent Your Enterprise SharePoint from Disasters In theory, a SharePoint administrator's work is relatively straightforward: manage the platform to ensure it functions smoothly, minimize downtime, issue access permissions, and remove people as needed. However, with over a million businesses using Office 365 today, the SharePoint ecosystem might be critical for the company, and any disruption could cost them both time and money, making it more difficult for the administrators to manage it. Therefore, in practice, SharePoint administrators have a lot to deal with, mainly because it has evolved into a corporate dumping ground where users upload data haphazardly, wrecking chaos. Employees frequently lose track of their belongings or location due to uploading files to random libraries without regard for their extension, size, or other attributes. This has necessitated the development of a SharePoint file management system to manage data better and prevent data privacy issues, attac...