Effectively Handling DSAR Requests with eDiscovery Compliance Solutions
Exploring the options as the number of DSAR and privacy regulations multiply Even though data privacy compliance has been a contentious matter for some time, authorities and businesses have only lately begun to take serious steps to address consumers' concerns. More so, following the implementation of the GDPR in 2018 and the CCPA compliance in 2020, businesses are on notice to ensure that they are prepared to respond to consumer data subject access requests (DSARs) and change when new laws are enacted. Needless to say, these privacy compliance laws have resulted in a flood of DSARs , which is only expected to increase with the planned Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) in January 2023 and the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) in July 2023. However, though 87% of organizations reported experiencing delays in selling to existing customers or prospects, the same survey also found that 97% recognized that their privacy investments yield benefits such as competitive advantage ...