Three Information Management Priorities for a Successful Remote Workforce


Discussing the three security measures that can assist jumpstart the information management conversation for a successful remote workforce

If your company is like others, your employees work from home, testing your business continuity strategy. And, more than likely, you've had to adapt technology quickly to assist your staff in communicating and collaborating while remaining productive.

However, the shift to remote working may have introduced additional difficulties for your company, such as using insecure devices, applications, or even unsecured Wi-Fi. But there are other information management and governance issues such as storing the data in appropriate locations, using the necessary methods to monitor it all, categorizing it effectively, and keeping it out of the wrong hands. Furthermore, every day, hundreds, if not thousands, of distant connections, information exchange, and new data are uploaded to your record-keeping systems, leaving your system vulnerable to assaults. And, naturally, hackers would take advantage of the opportunity to obtain access to such vulnerable enterprise systems and personal data. In fact, remote desktop brute-force attacks in the United States increased by 330% between March 10 and April 10 of 2020, compared to the previous month. 

Therefore, it is critical to strengthen your company's security and privacy compliance obligations and enhance staff knowledge, which can be initiated by implementing straightforward information management security measures.

Access Security

Businesses have used Cloud-based technologies for years, but although they make it simpler for staff to interact and exchange information, they may also contribute to information overload. This is backed by the DELL report that states that 70% of businesses are gathering data faster than they can use it. This pool of data frequently comprises sensitive customer and employee data and critical organizational data, which, if leaked, might result in a slew of problems for the company. Furthermore, the use of unauthorized applications and easy passwords might allow a hacker to access the system and steal sensitive information.

On the other hand, simple procedures can help you avoid information management disasters. It's conceivable that faraway employees access data through a different platform if your company's use of allowed platforms and products suddenly reduces. Increases in usage can sometimes be harmful – for example, abnormally large data downloads could indicate a data privacy security breach. Real-time network monitoring and information management analytics allow you to detect assaults and other issues quickly. Employees should be taught how to recognize phishing emails and keep critical information off their computers at work. Ensure to perform frequent IT health checks and maintain track of what data is shared and with whom.

File Security

Presentations, for example, are frequently large and not supported by emails owing to size limits, forcing users to share them through third-party software. While these apps are helpful in specific scenarios, they may represent a danger to your corporation's information management system by revealing sensitive information or libraries.

As a result, IT departments should actively promote the file sharing and collaboration technologies available to employees and hold virtual training sessions to guide employees through basic "what if?" scenarios so that everyone understands how to collaborate and securely exchange data. To discover potential "rogue" collaboration technologies early on, IT must elicit employee engagement and input. Finally, make sure your firm has easy-to-use, accessible file-sharing cloud solutions to decrease the need to transmit data outside.

System Security

When your teams worked from your office, it was simple to construct a robust corporate network with intranets, firewalls, and other security measures—but now, employees may find it difficult to access data since local networks can't keep up with access demands.

As a result, many regulated organizations have started switching to cloud data management instead of relying on their traditional on-premises or hybrid infrastructure, which is fast becoming obsolete. However, now is the moment to shift your data to a cloud-based solution, which offers more secure access, scalability, and security. It also makes collaboration easier for your employees, resulting in more productivity when they work together.

We live and work in challenging times, but by giving your employees the right tools, enough motivation, and support they need to function efficiently, productively, and securely, you can help your organization's information governance develop and emerge stronger.


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